Everybody moves differently. Our movement patterns reveal our histories; our genes, temperament, experiences, hobbies, and work are reflected in our bodies and movements. My practice is a synthesis of disciplines and reflects a lifelong interest in movement and biomechanics. I completed full mat and equipment certification for Pilates instruction from the Kane School of Core Integration in NY under the guidance of Kelly Kane, I've also been trained in many movement disciplines including Gyrotonic® and acupressure. Additionally, I've pursued continuing education in Oov fundamentals with Christine Rivera-Gapuz, trained to work with scoliosis, and studied body conditioning for dancers with Kuan Hui Chew.

I offer individual sessions that are designed with your specific goals and needs in mind. My goal is to help you learn to listen to your body and to assist you in achieving more sustainable movement habits and a balanced physicality.

Why study with Gemma?

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Please email gemma4pilates@gmail.com to book a session. All sessions are $110 and last for 50 minutes.


Gemma Shusterman

email: gemma4pilates@gmail.com

phone: 510 255 5709